

We have reserved a number of rooms at two locations:

1. Institute Guest House,
Institute of Physics, Polish Academy of Siences
al. Lotników 32/46
02-668 Warszawae-mail: hotel@ifpan.edu.pl
Prices (bed and breakfast): 
- single (economic)  room: 135 PLN/night
- double (economic) room: 185 PLN/night 
- double (economic) for single use: 154 PLN/night

2. Centrum Barnabitów,
ul. Smoluchowskiego 1
02-679 Warszawa
e-mail: info@barnabici.pl
Prices (bed and breakfast): 
- single room: 224 PLN/night

If you would like to have a room in one of these places please send email to Marcin Płodzień and we will reserve a room for you.
Alternatively, you can of course also arrange your own accommodation.